February 25, 2014

Got Marketing Dollars?


On Monday, the world experienced the loss of one of the most iconic taglines to date: “Got Milk?” As saddened as I am to no longer see celebrities advertising the white goodness on their lips, it made me wonder: What sold milk – tagline or product?

The highly-recognizable tagline, originally created by Goodby Silverstein & Partners, is being sidelined for a new tagline, “Milk Life,” which focuses on the nutritional benefits of milk, rather than celebrity sway.

It makes me think how many taglines persuade me to buy one product over another. Do I buy Nike because they tell me to “just do it” or buy apple because I “think different?” Maybe it’s neither. Having the advantage of a marketing-centered brain, I know that you can sell a not-so-great product with the right tagline and advertising campaign (scary I know), especially if you have the dollars behind promoting the tagline. I can only imagine how many marketing dollars go towards Apple taking over the world…

Since milk retail sales volume has been on the decline, it’s time to bring in a fresh approach and fresh marketing dollars. Moving forward, the national group, known as MilkPEP, plans to spend more than $50 million on the Milk Life campaign, which will includes TV, print, digital, retail promotions and PR – all featuring “normal” individuals performing “normal” activities such as running or skateboarding.

A good $50 million well spent in my opinion considering all ready (and most likely strategically) the death of “Got Milk” has received more media attention than any advertising dollar could buy.