December 16, 2013

Three Publicity Lessons from Beyonce’s Release Stunt


Late last week, pop superstar Beyonce announced the immediate release of her new album on iTunes. No wait, no hype, no nonsense: just music.

In bypassing the publicity vortex that dominates pop culture consumption today, Beyonce has earned massive buzz and above-the-fold coverage in every major news outlet, and has possibly changed the music industry. As the Los Angeles Times puts it:

The move is stunning, and virtually unheard of, especially considering how the hype machine — singles, performances, interviews etc. — that propels pop music up the charts is often treated as equally, if not more important, than the work itself.

For an example of the overhyped mega release, look no further than Lady Gaga’s recent album “Art Pop,” which went to seemingly endless lengths to build awareness but ultimately debuted with disappointing sales (“Art Flop,” it was called).

What can Beyonce’s game changer teach us about publicity in this day and age? A few things jump out at me:

  1. Good content is newsworthy on its own: Reporters and your audience know what hype and fluff are, and they don’t like either one. A little finessing is okay, but try to keep your announcements concise and real.
  2. Direct engagement of your audience is more powerful than ever: Audiences today have unprecedented direct lines of communications with brands, namely through niche blogs and Twitter. Beyonce recognized this and brought her art directly to her fans, bypassing the critics, pundits and influencers whose opinions matter less and less.
  3. Find Different Ways to be Different: Beyonce is a music and fashion trendsetter, and has now brought that visionary quality to the breaking of news. By thinking differently about every aspect of the album – right down to its release (or lack thereof, really) – she disrupted the industry in a new way.

It’s worth mentioning that I have not listened to any of the songs on the new album, nor have I watched any of the videos. I’m not even the biggest fan of Beyonce! But the fact that I’m writing about this speaks for itself, doesn’t it?