February 16, 2016

Why NASA’s Space Exploration Posters are Amazing

Image courtesy of NASA

We all secretly want to become astronauts and explore space. What’s that you say? Not everyone wants to do that? Well, either way: NASA’s new space tourism posters are seriously cool and should satisfy the design nerds in all of us.

NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory teamed up with Seattle-based agency Invisible Creature to produce 14 downloadable Visions of the Future posters, or in other words, a wonderful assortment of new desktop backgrounds.

The retro posters are inspired by a few different eras. “The Grand Voyage” is influenced by 1960s sci-fi paperback covers. It represents how Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune align once every 175 years. Others are reminiscent of travel posters released by the WPA during the Great Depression. The designs integrate nostalgic styles from the past with forward-thinking ideas.

It’s exciting when the world of advertising merges with something as lofty and ambitious as space travel. What’s more exciting is when this industry is able to create something that sparks real thinking about our potential as human beings, which I think “Visions of the Future” accomplishes.