March 3, 2016

In Defense of Puns


You never know where the next best creative idea will come from. As a junior content producer, a large part of my job is coming up with clever copy — but I also know that sometimes some of the best ideas come from the most unexpected sources. Case in point: I asked Delucchians to share their favorite puns or dad jokes (essentially the same thing), and got some pretty entertaining results that prove wordsmithery runs deep across our agency.

Why can’t cats watch movies all the way through?

Because they keep hitting paws.

-Patty Delk, Chief People Officer, quoting her 10-year-old nephew

You hear the one about the unsharpened pencil?

Never mind, it’s pointless…

-Matt Campo, Content Producer

Why can’t you starve in the desert?

Because you can eat all the sand which is there.

Mike Leimbach, Art Director

So, a duck walks into a bar and says to the bartender, “Got any grapes?”

The bartender says no, so the duck leaves.

The next day, the duck comes back and says to the bartender “Got any grapes?”

The bartender looks annoyed and says no, so the duck leaves again.

The third day, the duck comes back and says to the bartender, “Got any grapes?”

The bartender is really annoyed, and shouts, “No – I don’t have any grapes! And if you ask me that again, I’m going to nail your feet to the floor!”

The duck leaves.

The fourth day, the duck comes back and says, “Got any nails?”

The bartender says no, so the duck asks, “Got any grapes?”

-Jonathan Brinksman, Director of Digital Strategy

What do you call a petite fortune teller who just escaped from prison?

A small medium at large.


We’re a divided nation on puns — people seem to either love or hate them (I’ll shamelessly admit to being in the former category). Punning is a habit I picked up early in life, which is a great way to avoid being mistaken for a cool person. Regardless, one of my favorite aspects of copywriting is coming up with punny lines.

I completely punderstand (sorry) why some might find them annoying — they don’t always add meaning to jokes and can be arbitrary. But, brainstorming puns isn’t all that different from coming up with advertising concepts: some of the best logos are essentially visual puns, and it’s an effective technique (I’m looking at you, FedEx logo). Punning can also be a fun, collaborative way to generate ideas from the executive team to the digital analysts. Before you knock them, just remember — Shakespeare used puns and he did okay for himself.