July 27, 2016

Keeping Up With [K]urrent Events: Three Daily Digests You Should Be Reading Right Now


We live in a world where information is omnipresent and almost overly accessible. Between the Snapchat, Insta and now Twitter T-Swift vs. Kayne feud and hiding the Insta posts that highlight our high school sweetheart’s breakfast, it can be tough to sift through the mountains of content to keep up with what’s important in our industry. Enter the three daily digests you should be reading right now:

  1. theSkimm –  This very popular email newsletter is basically your best friend writing and distilling today’s news in one quick, witty snapshot. theSkimm also answers all your tough questions such as “Wait, what is Brexit again?!” or more importantly, “Why does this matter?”

Why We <3 theSkimm – Quick, easy and smart way to stay on top of current events. BONUS: Quirky quotes of the day for a much needed morning LOL.

“I love you, Michelle” – President Obama, tweeting after M’Obama dropped the mic on the Democratic Convention in her speech last night. The Internet agreed. — theSkimm, July 26, 2016 

  1. Social Times by AdweekThe top industry stories for the ever-changing social media landscape, Social Times gives readers the leg up with the “quick and dirty” on what’s coming down the pike from our friends at Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat.

Why We <3 Social Times

Social Times provides short, “snackable” industry stories to keep us “in the know” and on the front lines of emerging tools, technology and platforms, a la Pokémon Go. BONUS: Solid talent recruitment tool with a robust featured job section in the Morning Social Media Newsfeed.

  1. Medium– a fan favorite around our office and a distant cousin of Twitter, Medium is social journalism 2.0 with collections of stories, articles and exclusive content from freelancers, publishers, companies, brands and influencers alike. Users simply subscribe to stories based on their interests and receive a daily download of solid content to peruse on a morning commute.

Why We <3 Medium

Range, depth and breadth of stories — From Today I Learned Something about My Boyfriend That No Girl Should Ever Have to Discover” to “Orlando Proves That America May Never Be A Safe Space For Anyone” — there’s something for everyone. BONUS: Want a quick read before your train, uber or bus? Medium provides the read time of your story (e.g. 5 minute read, 3 minute read, etc.)