March 16, 2014

Content Marketing: 10 Rules To Live By


Creating fresh, relevant branded content is essential for reaching your target audience in the online environment.  Publishing a steady stream of content can build both trust and loyalty in your brand and make your business a leading industry authority.  If it’s such a no-brainer to include in your marketing efforts, why don’t more companies use content marketing? Too often companies think producing this content is too time consuming and strenuous to be worth the effort. In truth, it can be as simple as setting aside 15 minutes each day to comment on the latest news or write a quick fact or tip.

Below are 10 rules to help you and your brand engage in  successful content marketing:

  1. Use the news and trending topics.  This automatically makes your content more relevant and you likely have an opinion on current events.  Write about what interests you (but avoid controversial quagmires like politics, if possible)!
  2. Create a distinct and authentic brand voice that resonates with your target audience. If users like your tone and content, they are more likely to continue returning to your site for updates and additional information.
  3. Build trust with transparency.  Readers are  unlikely to return to your site if they don’t find you to be honest. They want to feel that you are genuine and are giving them thoughtful, unbiased insights.
  4. Don’t just post, make sure you encourage engagement.  No one likes to be talked at all day.  Pose questions and inspire readers to interact with your brand.
  5. Invite relevant guests to post and bring fresh perspectives.  These guests may have a following who will be exposed to your business.  They can also support your messaging and opinion, or bring fresh insights.
  6. Equally, give some love back and guest-star on other blogs. Again, exposing yourself and your brand to another brand’s following help your business gain recognition.
  7. Quality is more important than quantity. Forcing yourself to create content leads to boring or repetitive information.
  8. That being said, frequency matters.  Although we do not want posts to be repetitive or pointless, try to stay on a steady schedule. If you do not post enough, followers will lose interest and will likely not check your site regularly.
  9. Re-purpose your greatest hits.  Posts that are helpful to users or spur a lot of engagement can be aggregated into the best hits list or enhanced (content marketing powerhouses like Mashable and Fast Company use this tactic regularly). Play to your strengths.
  10. Have fun!