May 30, 2014

ESPN Sells More Than Just Sports

5.30 olivia

How did you spend your Thursday night? At a happy hour? Running around the tidal basin at sunset? I spent mine huddled around the TV watching the Scripps National Spelling Bee, and I have to say, it was definitely more entertaining than I had expected.

Not only were they the smartest kids I’ve ever seen, but their youthful innocence and positive attitudes transform your mood no matter how rough your day was. The potential in these kids in absolutely stunning, I’m certain they’ll all be unimaginably successful in life.

The Scripps National Spelling Bee happened to take place right outside our nation’s capital, at the iconic National Harbor. The press was heavy, and the social media attention that the dual champions have received is due in part to its prime-time debut on ESPN. Spelling may not be a sport, but any coverage from ESPN is going to gain national praise and attention — especially when it involves children with higher IQs than your own.

This media attention not only promotes the success of the champions, but it even more so endorses the ESPN brand. By supporting a meaningful cause such as the Scripps National Spelling Bee, the ESPN brand is now endorsing the importance of a child’s education and the hard work it takes to succeed. Now whenever we think of spelling bees, we are subconsciously relating it to the ESPN brand — that is, if we can remember how to spell it.