April 30, 2014

Hold On, Let me Take a #Wolfie


Thank you to our friends at CNN for taking us around the DC office yesterday! Like any good tour group, we posed for lots of family photos to commemorate the trip. Lounging in Wolf’s chair pre-show and seeing the Magic Wall up close – almost as exciting as meeting Wolf… almost.


Stephanie, Alden, Molly, and Brittanie taking a turn in the hot seat.

After a photo opp with Wolf Blitzer, we stuck around to watch him speak live with analysts on Flight MH370. We passed around headphones so we could listen in on the director during the live show.

The Situation Room, before The Situation Room graphics went up.


Running the studio ourselves! Just kidding.

We loved spending the afternoon in one of the largest news hubs in the world. We saw historic emails sent the morning of 9/11, the red “breaking news” phone, Emmy’s, and even learned that the film from the network’s vast library of tapes was used to create a geometric design on the office doors once CNN went digital. Running into Jeffrey Toobin on his way to a live broadcast and watching The Situation Room in-studio beside Gloria Borgen definitely caused some nerding-out; if only we bumped into our personal favorite, Candy.

And of course, taking our #Wolfie was a pretty big highlight.