December 3, 2014

Why I’m Suddenly A Snapchat Believer


“Yeah, I’m losing my edge. I’m losing my edge. The kids are coming up from behind.”

In college, I had a friend introduce me to a serious amount of new music. One of the bands goes by the name LCD Soundsystem, fronted by a guy named James Murphy, and the lyrics above are from the song that made them (relatively) big: I’m Losing My Edge. The song was a critical hit when Murphy was 31, and as a musician in New York City, it’s an honest confession: he’s losing his edge. Kids almost half his age were now making good music, talking about good music and taking Murphy’s advantage of wisdom and experience.

As I listened to it as an 18-year-old college student, it made me excited. I was one of those kids that were coming up from behind. I was a marketing major at Shippensburg University and I had ideas, man! There’s one line that goes “I’m losing my edge to the art-school Brooklynites in little jackets and borrowed nostalgia for the unremembered eighties.” That was literally my big sister!

Over the Thanksgiving holiday, I had a little downtime to catch up on some saved articles and videos. One video in particular comes from a guy named Casey Neistat, who I’ve admired since his stint on HBO’s The Neistat Brothers (Casey also did an awesome NYC bike lane PSA–must watch). His most recent video is about Snapchat, and how it’s murdering Facebook. I didn’t buy the whole Snapchat phenomenon. I just didn’t get it. It didn’t fit into what I knew about social media, so I sort of dismissed it. But man was I wrong. Take a look…


Ten years later, and I know how James Murphy felt.