April 7, 2014

To Change or Not To Change: Why It May Be Easier Than You Think


Change: to become different, to become altered or modified. Change: a thing that many are afraid of. But why? Why are so many people afraid of change? Why are people afraid to leave their hometown? Take a different vacation? Drive a different route to work? For goodness’ sake, order something other than the damn chicken parmesan?

Change is something that I seek on a regular basis. Change is something that I embrace with open arms  to see what it will bring along. I don’t necessarily expect that I will like all of the changes this lifetime has to offer, but chances are I will like more changes than not. I am more familiar with ‘change’ than most. I was born in New Jersey, grew up outside of Chicago, moved to Philadelphia, and just recently took a job in Washington, D.C where I had no friends or family. But I wasn’t scared – I was excited. I am taking on a city where no one knows my name or my story. What is there not to be excited about?

Oddly enough, I took a job in D.C. as a Search Marketing Specialist, a role that requires me to deal with change on a daily basis. What worked yesterday in the search world doesn’t necessarily mean it will work tomorrow. I have to constantly accept the new changes that Google throws my way and I need to figure out what I can do to be successful with these changes. It is like a game of chess; as soon as you think you are about to win your opponent makes a fantastic move. At least I think that is what chess is like ( full disclosure: I don’t play chess! ) Perhaps a more fitting analogy is buying the iPhone. The minute you buy it, Apple has a new iPhone for you! Gotta stay ahead of the game in this world; buy the new iPhone! I currently own the iPhone 4s. The ONLY iPhone I have ever owned.  Maybe I am afraid of change?


Why is it that so many people claim they are afraid of change, yet when it comes to technology, they are the people camping outside of the Apple store to get the new iPhone? Or beating each other up on Black Friday for the new Xbox? That’s “change” too.  It’s a new way of doing something. It’s changing your old views and routines for something new! CHANGE!! So, the next time you are presented with “change,” don’t say you are scared and run away. Embrace it like you do technology, and order the eggplant parm…baby steps.