April 4, 2014

Cat Ladies Unite: An Empowering New Spin on an Old Message


In my recent perusing of the New York Times, I came across what may be one of my new favorite articles: I’m a Cat Lady? Thank You. As a cat owner and #catagram obsessed, the article shed light on a new way of how I should embrace the name “cat lady,” especially as a professional woman.

No longer should the image of myself, surrounded by 20-30 cats eating out of the palm of my hands, be the image that comes to mind. Instead both women – AND MEN – should instead see cat owners as a new breed of young, sociable and ambitious go-getters who own a cat as a badge of independence. We own cats because we can. We give them food and a warm bed because our financial stability permits us to. We’re obsessed with cats because we don’t care what other people think. And my favorite reason… as stated by Marjorie Ingall, the author of “The Field Guide to North American Males: “when you can joke about your status as cat lady, you’re the one with the power because you can joke about it – you’re the one in control.”

Cat ladies unite! We are powerful women (and men) who can send this stereotype to the litter box. Let us embrace our cat-hood and continue to be the independent women we are. Let us show the work force that our status of cat ownership empowers us to do better business. Let the others who continue to carry the negative stereoptype of “cat lady” stay at the bottom. We’ll be at the top, petting our cats.

To date, there are nearly 800,000 instagrams with the hashtag #catlady that have been posted. You can bet at least a few are from the cat lovers at Delucchi Plus!