April 27, 2015

What Friday Night Lights Teaches Us About Relationship Management

It’s not a secret that I’m a fan of the hit show, Friday Night Lights.

That might be an understatement.

Sometimes I watch Nashville just so I can close my eyes and pretend it’s Tammy Taylor speaking. I quote the show regularly. And I named my dog Coach Eric Taylor. Feel free to search #coacherictaylor on Instagram, and you’ll get an entire search feed of Kyle Chandler and my dog. Aside from being the Best Show That Ever Was, it’s also worked its way into being my spirit animal for client management. FNL glamorizes hard work and respect, and at the end of the day, that’s what makes the world of relationship management turn. Watch the above video for a three-minute super cut of Coach’s best advice, plus a few words from Coach Eric Taylor (the character, not the dog) below:

 6 a.m. sharp means a quarter to 6.

When I get started early, as hard as it can be, I’m more productive and successful. There’s just no way around it.

There are more important things than football.

It’s all about perspective and balance. My strongest professional relationships are those where both parties recognize that the other is a person. With a life. And interests. Outside of work. It actually makes my work better, and therefore, theirs, too

Texas Forever.

I’m a Maryland girl, but the point is: have  pride in your work. Reflect on where you’ve come from and how you can apply your experiences to your current work. Sometimes my best ideas come from work I did more than a decade ago.

Success is not a goal, it’s a byproduct.

It’s easy to only look at the end goal, but it’s the nitty gritty that gets the work done. My favorite people to work with are those who have big goals, and know what it takes to execute them.

Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose.

Because it’s just true. When I do the right thing and when I make decisions based on this, I win, and my clients win.