June 24, 2014

Take A Vacation While You’re On Vacation

6.24 Mike

Summer vacation season is upon us, and with that, folks here at Delucchi Plus will be booking time off, comparing destinations, and powering up their laptops and cellphones for the trip.

Stop it. Leave the office at the office.

According to Webster, vacation is defined as a period of time that a person spends away from home, school, or business usually in order to relax or travel.

Here in America, there are no mandated or legislative regulations for time off. More than two dozen industrialized countries (see Germany, Australia, Japan) require employers to offer four weeks or more of paid vacation. Most companies offer two, maybe three weeks of time off.

The benefits of time off are well documented, ranging from stress relief, human contact, to re-energizing your mind and body. With the little time we have, it seems to me that time should be spent unplugged and experiencing life. Your best thinking and ideas happen in tiny, quiet moments, and maybe, with a mind that is not racing at 200 mph, you’ll flash onto a solution to problem you couldn’t see before because you were running too fast.

So, set yourself up for a good time. Make sure all your bases are covered, you have folks in the office to cover any situations that come up, let your clients know you’ll be out of the office, but their needs will be attended to. Then, take a deep breath, and unplug.

You’ll be amazed how much more relaxed and prepared you are to hit the ground running when you return. It’ll benefit you, your team and your clients.