July 28, 2016

Time as Money: An Account Management Exercise

Time. It’s a funny thing. We often complain about not having enough — or too much — of it. As Account Managers we track time, manage time against fees, estimate time, and generally wish we had more time. The reality is, at the beginning of each day we all have the exact same 24 hours. How we manage these 24 hours (1440 minutes) has a profound influence on our overall happiness and success in our personal and professional lives.

This week, the Account Management team took some time to visit the Hirshhorn Museum to see an exhibition by Bettina Pousttchi entitled World Time Clock. Pousttchi has often contemplated systems of time and space in her art. Between 2008 and 2016, she traveled around the globe to create a series of twenty-four photographs taken in twenty-four different time zones. In each location, she captured an image of a public clock at the same local moment: five minutes before two in the afternoon.

Time Management: An Exercise

In contemplating how we use and manage our time, we did a quick exercise on time management. Nothing too complicated, just a fun and different way to think about time.

You have $86,400 to spend in anyway you wish. The only restrictions are that you cannot bank any money and if you do not use all the money you lose it.   Write down how you would spend the money.

There are 84,600 seconds in each day. As often as possible, you should consider spending your time on things that are important enough to you that you would invest the same amount if it was money. Something to think about…